This section takes you thru the bidding and play of a hand. To keep it simple, many special features have been left out of the explanation. On the opening screen you will see five buttons, Bridge Baron V, Bridge Match, Sheinwold Bridge Challenges, Personal Play Library, and Quit. Click on Bridge Baron V. Now Click on "Play a New Deal" in the box on the right of the screen. A box will come up that asks you to enter a deal number. Click on OK to use the random number provided. Your hand (South) will be displayed on the screen. Click on Bid Hand to start the auction. A table of bids is now displayed at the bottom of the screen. When it is your turn to bid click on your desired bid. If you choose "Baron Hint" from the Bidding Menu the computer's recommended bid will be highlighted. After the auction is finished click on Play Hand. When it is your turn to play click on your desired card. If you have only one legal card to play, the computer will play it for you automatically. If you choose "Baron Hint" from the Play Menu the computer's recommended card will be highlighted. Occasionally when the program is declarer it will claim the remaining tricks if appropriate. You can accept or deny the claim. After all thirteen tricks have been played, the program will show you all four hands and display the results of the hand. Click on the OK button in the middle of the screen. Now the rubber bridge scorepad will be displayed. Congratulations! You have just finished playing a hand against the Bridge Baron. There are many more features in the program that you can explore through the on-line help and the manual. Have fun !